Monday, December 7, 2020

SL TIPS: What do we mean by general of compting and the inf...

SL TIPS: What do we mean by general of compting and the inf...:  What do we mean by general purpose? 􀁺 Most devices can be described by their function e.g Washing Machine, DVD Player 􀁺 Computers, howeve...

SL TIPS: What is the information techonology in the today w...

SL TIPS: What is the information techonology in the today w...: information techonology  is the use of computers to store, retrive, transmit and manipulate data.or information techonology is typically use...

SL TIPS: about of the plagarisums and others

SL TIPS: about of the plagarisums and others:  the basic of common types of the plagarisum frist of the plagrisum  the plagarisum is the copy the another writer content or aknowlagement ...